Tysk/dansk lærersamarbejde - for tysklærere i grundskolen, fri- og efterskolen.
© eTwinning DK

Tysk/dansk lærersamarbejde - for tysklærere i grundskolen, fri- og efterskolen.

Vi gentager successen og fortsætter det gode samarbejde med vores tyske kolleger. På dette seminar har du mulighed for at møde tyske kolleger og etablere dansk/tyske samarbejder med udgangspunkt i det tyske sprog.
Seminaret finder sted:

Akademie Sankelmark
Akademieweg 6
24988 Oeversee


26-09-2024 - 14:00 - 28-09-2024 - 13:00

Day 1: Thursday 26. September 2024

15:00 Registration and welcome coffee

16:00 Welcome and introduction to the seminar

16:30 Getting to know each other

17:00 – 18:00 Hands-On-keynote: Media literacy in the digital age

18:30 Group Dinner at the Academy Center

Day 2: Friday 27. September 2024

09:00 Introduction to the day

09:15 Good eTwinning project practice

10:00 Criteria for a good eTwinning project

10:30 Project planning based on thematic ideas and collection of project topics

11:30 Parallel workshops: Navigation on the European School Education Platform

12:30 Lunch

14:15 Parallel workshops: The TwinSpace: Tips and tools for project design in the TwinSpace

15:00 Coffee break

15:30 – 18:00 Project planning in small groups

17:30 Project registration with support

18:30 Dinner

Day 3: Saturday 28. September 2024

09:00 Introduction to the day

09:15 eTwinning and Erasmus+ funding opportunities

09:45 Project planning in small groups, creation of project posters; with coffee break

11:00 Presentations of the new projects / Gallery Walk

12:00 Feedback round on well-being

Conclusion and farewell

13:00 Lunch


Læs mere om programmet på den tyske side: https://www.kmk-pad.org/veranstaltungen/details/3275

