Projektet 'Better e-Safe Than Sorry'
© eTwinning DK

Projektet 'Better e-Safe Than Sorry'


Herunder et eksempel på et projekt, der har modtaget et eTwinning-kvalitetscertifikat i juni 2016.

Af eTwinning-ambassadør Lene Yang, Herskind Skole & Børnehus

om beskrevet i andre moduler på er det muligt at søge om - og få - et kvalitetscertificat.

eTwinning-ambassadør og lærer ved Herskind Skole og Børnehus, Lene Yang, har i juni 2016 modtaget et nationalt kvalitetscertifikat for projektet: "Better e-Safe Than Sorry".

Kort projektbeskrivelse

"In our school, we all use ICT: teachers, pupils, etc. We use them in a lot of different ways: creating slideshows, taking pictures, making videos, doing research, writing emails, etc. But do we know how to use them safely? The aim of our project is to try to implement good ICT practices and awareness in our school and to raise e-safety awareness."

Vurdering af projektet

Den danske nationale supportservice skriver i sin begrundelse for tildelingen af certifikatet:

"A very nice and highly relevant project. There has been a high degree of cooperation both among teachers and students.
The project has encouraged both teachers and students to explore and raise awareness on internet safety.
There has been a high degree of collaborative work and through the project’s activities and tasks the students has been given the foundation to implement good ICT practice and raise e-safety awareness and thereby be able to apply for the safety Label.
Using many different ICT tools has been a big part of the project but the project has also had a great use of the different tools in eTwinning Live, both for collaboration, the project’s process/progress and the outcome of the project.
Overall a very nice and well documented project that we off course will assign the National Quality Label."

Projektets TwinSpace

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