22-05-2025 - 15:00 - 24-05-2025 - 12:30
“Empowering Tomorrow’s Teachers: Inspiring Student Engagement for Global Citizenship with eTwinning”
Day 1, Thursday, 22. May 2025
15:00 Registration and welcome coffee
15:30 Welcome and introduction to the seminar by Dr. Anne Laaredj-Campbell, eTwinning Coordinator, National Agency for Erasmus+ School Education Germany
15:45 “ITE: eTwinning for Future Teachers” by Rute Baptista, eTwinning Central Support Service
16:15 Keynote: „Diversity and Social Cohesion in Virtual Collaboration in eTwinning by Prof. Dr. Anatoli Rakhkochkine, Friedrich Alexander University, Nuremberg
17:00 Coffee Break
17:30 Networking Activities
19:00 Break
19:30 Dinner at the Hotel
Day 2, Friday, 23. May 2025
09:00 Introduction to Day 2
09:15 Plenary session: “ITE eTwinning Best Practice Project Example: Highlights and Challenges” by Richard Powers and Student teachers, PSE Stuttgart
10:15 Plenary session: Technical Overview of ESEP and eTwinning / Two Models of ITE, Q&A by Laura Restrepo-Parrado, Anne Laaredj-Campbell, National Agency
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Project Impulse
12:00 Project Partner Fair LIVE: Two parallel guided workshops:For Teacher Educators and for Student Teachers by Richard Powers, PSE Stuttgart
13:00 Lunch Break
14:30 Workshop: Step by step demo to your TwinSpace – Practice Session (steps) with handouts – Project creation
16:00 Workshop: 1)TwinSpace Demo - How a TwinSpace works with Seminar Demo 2) Project planning in small international groups with coffee break in between.
17:00 Break
17:30 Group photo and city tour
19:00 Free time in the city/or activity offer
19:30 Dinner in the city
Day 3, Saturday, 24. May 2025
09:30 Introduction to Day 3
09:40 Blended Intensive Program by Helene Claeys, Université Picardie Jules Verne INSPE
10:40 Break
11:00 BIP Mobility Brainstorm Session: Where do you want to go?
11:30 Back on the ground: Project Registration with support
11:45 Student Reflections: Sharing Projects and Learning outcomes
12:00 Closing remarks and outlook
12:30 Lunch to go – can be enjoyed in the Hotel, if preferred
Hotel og konferencefaciliteter:
Park Plaza Bahnhofstrasse 5
90402 Nuremberg
(er booket)
Tilmeldingsfrist d. 28. februar