eTwinning-seminar, Luxembourg
© Colourbox

eTwinning-seminar, Luxembourg


"Makerspaces – new learning environments for exploration, creativity, innovation and collaboration"
Seminaret afholdes 29. november til 1. december 2019.
Ansøgningsfrist udløbet 21. nov., kl. 12.

29.11-1.12: eTwinning Seminar, Luxembourg: "Makerspaces – new learning environments for exploration, creativity, innovation and collaboration", med primær deltagermålgruppe "VET" - dvs. erhv.uddannelser fra Norden +LU+BE.

Max. ramme for refusion for flybilletter til godkendte deltagere er p.t. 3.500 DKK.

Nederst på siden links til to filer med foreløbig indholdsbeskrivelse og foreløbigt program.

Uddrag af indholdsbeskrivelse:

The participants will get a general introduction on the concept of makerspaces and attend presentations on best practice approaches and practical examples of successful implementations of such environments in schools. Makerspace activities will be presented in form of an interactive exhibition, allowing the participants to experience hands-on the benefits of learning-by-doing. They will have the opportunity to get insights from experienced makerspace heads and users, helping them to develop a makerspace project in their own school or take an existing one to the next level. The main objective of the seminar will be to associate with colleagues from other countries to integrate the acquired knowledge in a collaborative European eTwinning project.

Ansøgningsfrist udløbet 21. nov., kl. 12.
